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2024 Baltimore Open Water Swim

Team ROCK ON 2022
Team ROCK ON 2022


Sign ups are open for Swim Across America Baltimore!! This year’s event is scheduled for September 15, 2024. We are so excited to be back in the Bay this year for Team ROCK ON's 9th year with SAA Baltimore!

Please join us for our swim! We would love to get a big team together this year, back to our pre pandemic numbers! That said if you are unable to get in the water with us in September you can do your own challenge by registering to do "SAA My Way."

SAA My Way is an option to participate virtually. You are still part of the team but can pick your own activity, goal and timeline to participate (check out @teamrock_on on Instagram for some great activity ideas from virtual participation in 2020)! All donations will still go to Team ROCK ON and support the Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center at Johns Hopkins.

Click the "Join Team" button on the right side of this page to join Team ROCK ON as a swimmer, land or water volunteer, or My Way participant. You can change your participation any time between now and September 15th.

We are so grateful to all of you for making Team ROCK ON a success. The swim is such a special way to remember our mom each year and support other families fighting cancer -
thank you for helping us make it happen!


Tony, Sammy, Emma, Hanna & Trevor

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2018 UPDATE:
 Please send all check donations to the following address despite what might be listed above:

Swim Across America - Baltimore
PO Box 5384
Baltimore, MD 21209

Please include a note mentioning the name of the swimmer you are supporting.


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