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2024 Chicago Open Water Swim

Team Life

 We swim so others may live!

In our lifetime, 1 in 2 men and 1 in 3 women will be diagnosed with cancer. We joined the Swim Across America (SAA) community so that, together, we can change that. Through research funded by SAA we are saving lives, but we still need to find a way to prevent cancer from even beginning. We are challenging ourselves by swimming in the Chicago Open Water Swim and raising as much money to fight cancer as we can. Please support us by making a donation to one or more members of our team. Better still, join Team Life and swim with us. In April we lost Bill, one of our Catfish swimmers, to pancreatic cancer. Four years ago we lost Amos, a fellow SAA swimmer and Catfish, to cancer. The money you give will go towards cancer research, prevention and treatment. Together we are making waves in the fight against cancer. Thank you for your generosity and may it lead to a cancer-free world!

You can make a credit card donation by clicking on one of the members of our team to the right, or sending a check with the name of swimmer you are sponsoring to Swim Across America: Swim Across America, 8508 Park Rd. #389, c/o SAA-Chicago, Charlotte, NC 28210

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