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2024 Fairfield County Open Water Swim

Start 'em young!
Start 'em young!

Team Colligan


Our entire family has been involved in the Fairlfield County swim since it launched in 2007. Rob will jump in the Sound for the 17th consecutive year- 1 of 2 original and consecutive swimmers. I will be right there with him for my 16th swim. Elizabeth and Owen have been stuffing swag bags and working set-up since they were toddlers! They are ON the water paddleboarding and kayaking to keep us safe!  
We participate in the Fairfield County Open Water Swim to raise as much money to fight cancer as we can.  This year, a cancer diagnosis came for too many friends. You are never ready to hear that news. Our hearts break each time we hear that news. So we pray and we swim.  We MUST continue to raise funds to further the mind-blowing reaserch that our doctors are conducting in their labs. Until we find a cure and we no longer have a reason to do this. IT IS COMING!

No one fights cancer alone. Our team joined Swim Across America because we believe in their mission and want to help give more families hope. If you’re able, please support us by making a donation to help us reach our fundraising goal.

Thank you for helping us #MakeWavesToFightCancer.

You can make a credit card donation by clicking on one of the members of our team below, or send a check to:

Swim Across America, 8508 Park Rd. #389, Charlotte, NC 28210

Checks should be made out to Swim Across America but please include a note mentioning our team or the swimmer you are supporting!


We are so grateful for your support!

Julie, Rob, Elizabeth and Owen


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