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2024 LIS - Long Island Sound Open Water Swim

Stoked to Fight Cancer

Founded in 1987, Swim Across America has hosted charity swims with one goal: to raise money for innovative cancer research that would lead to breakthrough treatments and therapies. 

No one fights cancer alone. Our team joined Swim Across America last year in honor of the strongest 6 year old around. Leo was diagnosed in November of 2022 with Leukemia. This year we also swim in honor of Leo's Mom, Leanna. Lee was diagnosed in October of 2023 with Stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer. Through chemo treatments, their strength and spirit are what keep their family and friends going. Both of them have continued to proven to be strong, faithful and full of hope! They don't let cancer slow them down. 

We swim to honor Leanna, Leo and all of the brave cancer moms & kids before and after them. The Stokes family is stoked to fight cancer and we fight (and swim) beside them!


You can make a credit card donation by clicking on one of the members of our team below, or send a check to:

Swim Across America, PO Box 217, Larchmont, NY 10538

Checks should be made out to Swim Across America but please include a note mentioning our team or the swimmer you are supporting!

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