Over the years I have participated in a various fundraisers to raise money and awareness for cancer research and cancer care. Three years ago I teamed up with my buddy Tim Farley on Nantucket and joined his efforts to raise money for Nantucket Hospital cancer treatment and Nantucket Palliative Care through Swim Across America.
Our team name is simple, yet meaningful; Swimming for Moms.
Both Tim and I lost our awesome moms to cancer. Both fought their battles from Cape Cod; my mom from Barnstable and Mrs. Farley from Nantucket Island. For my mom, a trip to the doctors was 4 hours round trip. Believe me when I say I know how fortunate she was to have my dad and some close friends willing and able to drive her to and from these appointments, but this is not the case for most Islanders. As the incidence of cancer diagnoses continue to rise, and treatments become more reliant on the latest technology, patients on Nantucket are forced to travel to Hyannis or Boston for care causing physical and financial strain on patients and their families.
This is where Swim Across America Nantucket comes in. Every dollar raised ($400k goal!) from our event will go directly towards cancer treatment and patient care on Nantucket. If you are around on August 24th, I urge you to come to Jetties Beach to listen to cancer survivors tell their stories while a community rallies around to support them. You would be hard pressed to find a more tight-knit community than that of Nantucket. It is inspiring and healing for Tim and I to be a part of such an event within this community.
Pat and Tim
In our lifetime, 1 in 2 men and 1 in 3 women will be diagnosed with cancer. We joined the SAA community so that, together, we can change that. We are challenging ourselves by swimming in the Nantucket Island Swim and raising as much money to fight cancer as we can. Please support us by sponsoring our swim and making a gift. The money you give will go towards cancer research, prevention and treatment and will make an impact in the fight to find a cure. Thank you for your generosity and may it lead to a cancer-free world!
You can make a credit card donation by clicking on one of the members of our team below, or send a check to Swim Across America, PO Box 3271 Nantucket, MA 02584
Swim Across America, Inc., [SAA] is dedicated to raising money and awareness for cancer research, prevention and treatment through swimming- related events. With the help of hundreds of volunteers nationwide and past and current Olympians, SAA is helping find a cure for cancer through athleticism, community outreach and direct service.
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