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2024 San Francisco Bay Open Water Swim

Team Parker

One of the largest Masters swim teams in Northern California, Menlo Masters has a rich history of healthy competition and community. Our swimmers include beginners, triathletes, former collegiate athletes, nationally ranked competitors and everything in between — all ages, shapes, and sizes. We have a great group of coaches as well and over the years many of us have participated in the San Francisco Swim Across America Event.

One of the delights of weekday morning workouts, has been watching a little boy emerge from the cozy nest of his baby carriage to “helping” his mom, Coach Becky give the workout instructions from his snugli to taking his first wobbly steps to running laps on deck. Miraculously, Becky always knew exactly where Parker was yet everyone in the pool was drawn to keeping a watchful eye over this lively, smiling little boy and acting as surrogate aunties and uncles.

We cheered the birth of his sister. Shortly after his sister was born Parker was diagnosed with leukemia. In typical Menlo Masters fashion our community rushed to offer help in many ways. We are swimming on Team Parker to honor and support him and his family.

Because many on Menlo Masters have the experience of what it means to travel the cancer journey of a loved one, we know that this is more a marathon than a sprint

In addition to swimming for Parker, individuals will also be dedicating their swims to other loved ones  Your sponsorship dollars will be used to fund pediatric cancer research at UCSF Benioff Children's Hospitals in SF and Oakland.

Thank you for helping us #MakeWavesToFightCancer

You can make a credit card donation by clicking on one of the members of our team below, or send a check to:

Swim Across America
PO Box 475842
San Francisco, CA 94147

Checks should be made out to Swim Across America but please include a note mentioning our team or the swimmer you are supporting!

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