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2024 Seattle Open Water Swim

MIBC & Friends

I'm so excited that our entire swim team has the opportunity to participate in SAA this year and experience a way to give back to the community through sport. This year our team will host the 2nd All Island Swim Meet for the benefit of SAA. We are encouraging kids to try fundraising- set up a lemonade stand, invite people to hear you play an instrument, make and sell jewelry. 

Twenty two years ago my best friend was diagnosed with a blood cancer. At the time she moved from Atlanta, Georgia to Seattle, Washington to be treated at Fred Hutch because the Hutch was 20 years advanced in treatment and research compared to other centers in the US. Fred Hutch continues to be a leading cancer center and the funds we raise for Swim Across America will go directly to doctors at Fred Hutch to do groundbreaking research. 

To date, SAA has raised over $100M and we're not done yet. We swim in honor of all of those that have battled cancer, those that are battling cancer and for those that will one day battle cancer.  We swim so that one day there is a cure for all cancers. 





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