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2024 Seattle Open Water Swim


Team Ewan

We swim for Ewan Lill. Ewan was born in Chicago on September 22, 2009 and died in his parents’ arms of acute lymphoblastic leukemia on May 7, 2018 at Seattle Children’s Hospital.

Ewan made a tremendous impact in his bright but brief 8 years. Beloved by all because of his generous, loving and earnest spirit, Ewan was a faithful, playful friend and full of cheer. He was thoughtful, intelligent and incredibly kind.He often inspired his classmates and community to reach out more and do better. In 2018, his 3rd grade class was asked to fill out notecards sharing what they cared most about. One student wrote, “I care about helping kids with cancer because my friend Ewan Lill had leukemia cancer last year and he got it again so I want to help kids with cancer.” Ewan brought out caring and empathy in all of us. He made this world a better place and his absence is felt too deeply for words.

Ewan’s family created the Team Ewan Guild at Seattle Children’s Hospital to raise money for cellular immunotherapy treatments for children with high-risk leukemia. They believe immunotherapy needs to be more effective, be made available faster, and cost less. Ewan’s family is also committed to supporting Swim Across America. This is Team Ewan’s 3rd year swimming. It is critical to raise money to help local researchers find better treatments for cancer.

We swim together, to honor Ewan’s giving and open spirit. We swim so that we can stop losing the ones we love to cancer. We challenge ourselves by swimming in the Seattle Open Water Swim and the Seattle Pool Swim. Please support us by making a donation. The money you give will go directly to cancer research, prevention and treatment. It will help save lives. Thank you for remembering Ewan, giving generously and helping kids (and adults) with cancer.

To make a credit card donation, click on one of the team members below, or send a check to Swim Across America - Seattle, 6917 93rd Avenue SE, Mercer Island, WA 98040. Checks should be made out to Swim Across America. Please include a note mentioning Team Ewan or the swimmer you are supporting!
Thank you for visiting the Team Ewan Swim Across America page!

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